Peace Be With You

For me growing up, one of the highlights of going to church was the part in the mass (I grew up Catholic), when the priest would say, “Let us offer each other a sign of peace.” That interaction was always exciting to me. Even though there were times, over the years, that people acted as though they didn’t want to shake my hand. I would think nothing of it and just move on to the next person. Of course, during the many visits to my late grandfather’s church, that experience was completely different. When the members are instructed to “pass the peace,” everybody ends up all over the church, not only shaking hands, but also hugging wayne_dyer_peace_quote-251358other members and visitors of the church. The pastor jokingly always tells the congregation to keep one foot in the pew. Lucky for me, I’ve got long legs and good reach, so I can shake hands and hug people across the aisle. lol.

I started this blog off talking about peace, because after having committed myself to a church home, I’ve found peace. I had been struggling for months trying to figure out what I needed and wanted in a church and a church family and since making my decision, I have never felt more at peace. Saturdays, I get excited about going to church on Sunday to be fed spiritually. I loved attending this church as a visitor, but becoming a member, cemented my commitment to continuing to build my relationship with God and my community. On Sundays, just going into church I can feel the blessings around me. I feel the love and support at the door. I’m met with handshakes and hugs, and an eagerness of my brothers and sisters in Christ to help me in my walk.

“And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.” Colossians 3:15

wpid-fb_img_1427411042946Okay, so back to my new found peace, I had been living in my happy place (contentment in my life where I am and what I’m doing) for the last year or so, but joining a church has my happy place feeling like it’s on steroids. I have never felt peace like this. Things that I used to worry about before, no longer keep me up at night. Stuff that is beyond my control is just that and I’m okay with it. Thoughts about not being married or in a relationship used to consume me. I used to be 15d7499b3c40b196293601236049edd3e48fdistracted by the time on the clock. I’m not checking the clock because I know that whatever happens in my life is going to happen on God’s time. I’m enjoying my life how it is. I’m not holding onto past hurts or beating myself up over decisions I’ve made. I am living my life with an attitude of gratitude, not just for God’s coverage over my life, His unconditional love, or the people He has placed in my life, but for all the things I’ve been through that tested me. I’m grateful for my testimony and the voice that God gave me to share it.

Through prayer you will truly experience God’s peace that surpasses all understanding. Philippians 4:7

solutions-peace-and-happiness-scottI’m not going to sit here and say that I don’t get frustrated sometimes, because there are things that I prayed for that I didn’t get. There are prayers that I prayed that I don’t think God answered. My walk has taught me that He heard my prayers and He may have answered them, but just not in the way I wanted or expected. Sometimes those unanswered prayers or delayed responses are God’s way of protecting us. I’ve learned to appreciate and be thankful for some unanswered prayers. I’ve learned that where I thought I was getting a “no,” that it might not necessarily have been a “no,” it might have actually been a “not right now.” God made me, so he knows me better than I know myself. He knows what’s in my heart. He knows what I want. He knows what I need and what I don’t need. Instead of interfering with his plan and making my life more complicated, I’m going to sit back and relax. I 0a6bfe744c580aaaa4b38ee27050bc65know that God’s got me and He’s going to work it out, when he’s ready and when he thinks I’m ready.


It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work.
It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

 So while I’m living in my peaceful, happy place, I am going to surround myself with a circle of people that are going to help me grow where I am and help me get to the next level. I am a very loving person. I am always willing to lend an ear or a helping hand, BUT I love my peaceful place. I refuse to let someone else’s issues disturb my peace. I will let someone vent to me, but I will not let anyone bring negativity, constant complaining, or drama into my life. I will let them have their moment to get it all out. Once they get it out, they can’t stay there, around me in that negativity. If they choose to, I won’t be staying there with them. They can move on or I will move on. There is an old adage – “misery loves company.” – Well I’m sorry, but I won’t be anybody’s passenger on that journey. The only thing I can offer is a kind word, some prayers, and an invitation to visit my church.


Lessons learned:

1) Thank God daily.
2) Live life with an attitude of gratitude.
3) As someone’s friend, you don’t have to make their issues your issues.
4) God’s “no’s” aren’t always “no’s”. Sometimes they are simply “not right nows”.
5) It doesn’t matter what time is on my clock, it matters what time God says it is.

Love, peace and blessings!


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