Running on E

I don’t know what’s been going on with me. These last couple of months my tank has been Running on E. My mind and body have been exhausted. The only thing that has been filled up is my spirit. I’m sure that’s the only thing that has been keeping me going. My emotions and my thoughts have been all over the place.gty_tired_woman_mi_130822_16x9_992

So many times lately, I have been Running on E and not taking the time to rest, regroup, and recharge. I know that I need to recalibrate my life or one day I’m going to be going along and my body is just going to collapse from exhaustion. When I think about running on E, I think about a car that is about to run out of gas. What happens is that it gets on “E” or sometimes past “E” and it just stops or when a cell phone battery is on 1% and ios-5-battery-drain-apple-mistakeyou’re trying to type a message to use up that last bit of battery and it fades to black mid message. I don’t want that to happen to me.

Because I have temporarily lost my focus, it has taken me a little while longer to do things at work and at home, because I’m trying to do several things at the same time. In the past, this was no big task. It’s actually a regular occurrence or at least it used to be, but lately something is off. I’m off. My energy is gone. Having lost focus makes it a little harder to pull off my appearance of seamlessness that is me and the work that I do. I’m sure that a large piece of that can be contributed to my lack of sleep. On a regular basis, I haven’t been getting more than 4 hours of sleep a night. I feel like I’m always trying to play catch up. I don’t usually go to bed before 12:30 am or 1:00 am and I’m aback up at 4:30 am. I’ve always been a night owl and if I try to go to bed early, say 10:00 pm, I’ll wake up at like 2:00 am and won’t be able to go back to sleep. I know it’s not healthy for me to function off so few hours of sleep, but I’ve gotten accustomed to it. As if not getting enough sleep isn’t bad enough, the quality of sleep that I’ve been getting at vision1night or in the morning really isn’t that great. I spend most of the time tossing and turning, not to mention the weird dreams that I have been having. By the time I actually get into a good sleeping pattern, it’s time to get up and start getting ready for work. Thank God for bus naps. If I don’t make some changes soon, I’m going to burn out and that my friend, is not an option.

While I was in the midst of going through my period of lost focus and mental and physical exhaustion, they posted two positions related to a detail that I was on last year for a little over 3 months. The people were so friendly and it was a great office to work in. I had been waiting for months for them to post the position. The position was posted a couple of weeks ago and I’ve spent the last two weeks leading up to the closing date working on my resume and application. The task of customizing my resume was easy, but I struggled with completing the application and answering the KSAs. It’s not that I wasn’t qualified for the job, because I was, I mean I am. I kept getting writers block. I knew all the information was in my head but there was a disconnect between my brain, my fingertips, and the keyboard. On the day that the position closed, as I career laddersat there working on my last KSA, all of the information about my work experience and work history just started running together in my head, and time ran out. When I got the error notice letting me know that the job had closed and that I hadn’t finished answering my KSAs and ultimately applying for the job, I was upset. I was upset not because the job had closed, but because I didn’t complete something that I had started and had spent so much time waiting for and working on for the past several weeks. I had been suffering from burnout for the last couple of months and I spent a lot of time focused on this job and applying for it under my normal 4 hours of sleep. I realized after the position closed that the job wasn’t for me.

It was a great job with promotion potential for me, but I felt like something was missing. It would have provided me with career advancement and a higher salary, but not necessarily with sustained contentment. For some strange reason, I felt relieved after the position closed and was actually walking around the house happy, but that could have been the dark chocolate gelato I was eating. When the office found out that I didn’t apply, there was a certain level of shock. They knew that I 1098297_576847279023023_2026066117_nhad inquired about the posting of the position for months and that I was interested in permanently joining their team. When I spoke with them about why I didn’ t apply, they were shocked and wondered if it was something they had done wrong. I explained to them that it was a personal decision. Because I was able to be honest with them and myself, I feel so much happier and lighter. I can’t stop smiling. I’m at the last step of my grade and I haven’t had a step increase in years, but it’s not about that. It’s about me being happy. I had been praying about this job and prayed for God’s help with the application process and answering the KSA questions. I asked God to let me know if this job was for me. I knew that if it was, it would manifest itself, but if not, that my experiences would open up new opportunities for me. The answers that God gave were not for the KSA questions, but in me taking control of my happiness and putting my needs above my wants. Because I put my faith in him, new doors and new possibilities have already been presenting themselves.

One of the other reasons I’ve been feeling burned out is that I am also guilty of spreading myself a little too thin in the stuff that I do for others and myself. On my days off every other week, I have so many things scheduled, that by the end of the day, I feel like I have been at work. My days off are filled with doctor’s appointments, massages (I don’t mind those), workouts, and hair appointments. All of those things are things that I enjoy, but they take time away from me resting, regrouping, and recharging.

I have always known how to say “No,” but I haven’t always said it, even though sometimes I know that it is in my best interest. I will always do stuff for kids, because I love kids and they are very easy to please. At times, the adults can be too much with all their demands. I don’t handle people demanding things from me too well. My reaction is to avoid and ignore. I volunteer to do stuff all the time, but I get volunteered to do even more stuff. Truth be told, there is a very short list of people that I would NEVER refuse to do anything for. Likewise, there is a long list of people that I have no problem saying “no” to. I have no problem helping my fellow man, but in all honesty, there are instances when I question if that shoe were on the other foot, if the person asking would do the same for me.water-poured-into-glass

It’s not a matter of whether or not they can, it’s that they don’t or aren’t willing to. I support people that don’t support me. I pour into people that don’t pour into me. That’s selfish. I need to be selfish. I’m going to pour into those that pour into me. If they cannot pour into me, I will still pour into them, but if they will not pour into me, I am going to stop pouring into them. I am going to put me and my happiness first. It’s behavior I have allowed for years and it takes away from what I pour into the people that love and appreciate me and what I have to offer.

Lately, I have been praying for wisdom and working on finding balance in my life. On a regular basis, I need time for prayer, work, play, rest, and recharge. Although the sleep thing is something that I have always struggled with, I’ve got to do better letting my mind and body rest. I cannot be my best self if I’m depleted. I cannot pour into others if I have nothing to pour. I am too happy and my life is too blessed not for me to enjoy it.


Lessons Learned

1) You cannot put a price on your happiness.
2) When you lose focus, take a minute, rest, regroup, and recharge.
3) God may close some doors, but he will always open new doors.
4) Ask God for wisdom.
5) Stop pouring into people that will not pour into you.

Love, peace and blessings!

I Still Believe

Every year, before I go in for my annual women’s wellness checkup, I start to feel some kind of way about going to my appointment and then again when I actually get into the office. I find myself sitting in the doctor’s office surrounded by all of these pregnant women fighting back tears. I must admit that I’ve gotten better over the years. Not to take anything away from someone that God has blessed with the gift of life, but it’s hard being surrounded by pregnant women when you’ve lost a baby, regardless of how many years have gone by.


After my OB/GYN moved to another state, I started going to another doctor that was in her practice. There was no fighting back tears then. My doctor now has since started her own practice and moved into another building. I absolutely love her. She is familiar with my medical history. She knows what happened and I feel very comfortable with her. She’s rooting for me to get pregnant. Right now, I don’t know exactly how that’s going to work, since God is the only man in my life. If I do get pregnant, please know that there is some serious immaculate conception going on over here.

It has been almost 7 years since my son passed. Everything that I had for him is still boxed up in what would have been his nursery. I haven’t gotten rid of it, because I still want to use it. Just because my journey to motherhood didn’t happen for me that time, doesn’t mean that it won’t happen for me again, under the right circumstances, and with the right person.

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

out of timeI’ll be 40 at the end of the year; of course, I see my biological clock out the corner of my eye. I used to worry that the batteries in my clock would give out before my time to be someone’s WIFE and someone else’s mom came, but women are getting married AND having babies in their 40s, 50s and some even in their 60s. Grant it, with advanced maternal age comes additional risks, but in this day and age, life comes with additional risks, just look at the news. The time left on my biological clock is no longer a worry of mine.

Age and time are irrelevant when you’re talking about God. Look at the story of Abraham and Sarah. Sarah was 90 years old when God fulfilled His promise that she would bear a son.


“And I will bless her and give you a son from her! Yes, I will bless her richly, and she will become the mother of many nations. Kings of nations will be among her descendants.” Genesis 17:16

Now the LORD was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did for Sarah what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. Genesis 21:1-2

untitled9Before Abraham and Sarah recognized that God was faithful in what He had promised, Abraham and Sarah had to learn a lesson about faith and patience. They took matters into their own hands. Rather than wait on God to fulfill His promise, Sarah suggested that Abraham have a child by Hagar, their faithful handmaiden. Ishmael was conceived through this union. Although it sounded reasonable, it wasn’t what God had in mind when he told Abraham that he would be the father of many nations.

In this, God differentiates between our efforts and our faith in His efforts. We often try to speed up God’s timing by working out his promises by using our own efforts. Although we may never know God’s will, he expects us to exhibit faith and patience and wait for Him to provide answers to His promises. There are things that we can do while we wait, but he is opposed to our caring more for ourselves than for Him and His will. Luke 14:26-27

God kept his promise to Sarah and blessed her beyond her wildest dreams and he will do the same for me. Through his promises, God gives us hope when we are discouraged and strength when we are weak. All we need to do is have faith in Him and His timing. As we learn to trust his faithfulness, we put more trust in Him and His abilities than we do in us and our own. I am reassured that my days of both being single and wanting to have another baby are numbered. I am faithful in God and his promises to me.

For I know

Lessons Learned:

1) God will keep his promises.
2) Everything happens in God’s perfect timing.
3) God’s plans for you are far greater than any plans that you can have for yourself.

Love, peace and blessings

I’m Gonna Turn this Mother Out

I’ve included parts of the story of what happened when I had Jonathan (my second son) in some of my fb posts and briefly mentioned it in a couple of blogs, but I thought that I would dedicate a complete blog to what happened to me on Thursday, October 2, 2008. A day my life and my perspective on life changed.

A little over seven years ago, I was pregnant. I was one day shy of being 40 weeks. My son, who I had nicknamed Flutterbug before I found out his sex, had been active during my whole pregnancy. This particular day, he hadn’t been moving a whole lot. I touched several spots on my stomach, hoping to get a reaction out of him and nothing happened. I did it again and still nothing. I started to get worried. Because  it was after hours, I called the number of my OB/GYN’s office. The voicemail service gave me a number to call and leave a message for my doctor to call me back. My doctor called me back and she told me to go straight to the hospital.

During most of my pregnancy, I had watched all of the pregnancy shows about women having difficult pregnancies, so I was ready for all kinds of things, but I wasn’t prepared for what was about to happen. When I was pregnant with Mart (my first son), I was in denial for six months. I was several months pregnant before I actually started getting prenatal care. I was in school, away from home, but I made it a point to eat healthy and take care of myself. With Jonathan, I did everything I was supposed to from the very beginning. After I took that 3rd pregnancy test and they all said the same thing (PREGNANT! PREGNANT! PREGNANT!), I went to the doctor and got a prescription for prenatal vitamins.

Okay, so back to my story. I made it to the hospital, with my ride or die chick, my mom. My doctor had the nurses to hook me up to a fetal monitor. Because Jonathan was in distress, I had to be put on oxygen. I remember my doctor telling me that they were going to have to induce labor. The doctor broke my water. She told me that when my contractions got intense enough, that I could get an epidural. There’s something about me and epidurals. I always end up getting two because the first ones never take. I remember sitting on the side of the bed to get my epidural and all of this liquid gushing out.abgar

As my labor progressed, Jonathan’s breathing kept decelerating with each of my contractions. Because my cervix was dilating at a very slow rate, my doctor made the call to do an emergency C-section. I could feel the gentle tugging as they pulled that little angel from me. Jonathan didn’t make a sound. I heard the nurses call out his APGAR scores and they were low. I had watched enough labor and delivery shows to know that they weren’t what they were supposed to be. The nurses worked diligently trying to get Jonathan’s scores up and to get him to make a sound, but to no avail. While a piece of my world was crumbling right in front of me, there was this odd, calmness about me. I wasn’t hysterical. I wasn’t crying.

be still and know

I could see them working on my son and I laid there praying, begging, and pleading with God to let him be okay as the doctors stitched me up.

jonathanThey eventually took me back to the room I was put in upon my arrival to the hospital. The doctor came in and told me that they had a pediatrician on staff, but didn’t have any neonatal doctors. They were going to transport Jonathan to Children’s Hospital. At first, they were going to take him via ambulance, but a helicopter was in the area and could get him there in a shorter amount of time. They rolled him in the room before they took him to the Children’s Hospital. With tears streaming down my face, I grabbed his little hand. I gave him a little pep talk and some kisses on the hand before he left. I told him that I would be there to see him as soon as I could.

Because I was recovering from a C-section, I couldn’t go see him. I was in the hospital for two days. Where they had taken Jonathan, to the Children’s Hospital, was about an hour away. Thank God for family. The hospital he was medevaced to was right down the street from where my aunt lived. When my cousin called her, she hopped in her car and was headed to the hospital. She drove so fast, she was at the hospital before the helicopter even left the hospital where I had the baby. She pulled over on the side of the road and waited until my cousin told her the helicopter with Jonathan in it had left the hospital. My Aunt and my cousin took care of him until I was released from the hospital. They would go visit him and take pictures of him for me.

I think I probably had the fastest C-section recovery ever. I needed to be with my son. I wasn’t going to be released from the hospital until I could get up and move around. I got mobile real quick. My doctor gave me a list of things I was not to do, which included going up and down steps.  Oops, my bad. It was a nice idea. I think because I did that and forced myself to do that (repeatedly), that I healed quicker. I don’t recommend that anyone go against their doctor’s orders, but I had to do it.

me and Jonathan2I finally got to see Jonathan. He was so adorable, even with his swollen eyes and lips. His hair was slicked down and he looked liked a mini version of his dad. He had all these tubes connected to him. Initially they thought he had suffered some sort of severe brain injury a couple of days before I had him. They had him lying on a cooling mat trying to cool his body to prevent any additional brain injury. I spent my days holding and talking to him.

I would go there with my mom and aunt and just sit there and talk to him, rubbing his head, and holding his hand. When I left in the evening, the hospital gave me a number to call and check on him when I wasn’t there. Sometimes I don’t think whoever I was talking to even checked his chart. They had me thinking that he was getting better, when he wasn’t. Jonathan wasn’t breathing on his own. He could only take a breath every couple of seconds on his own without the ventilator. His breathing was nowhere near what it should have been.

One day, my mom and I met with the one of the neurologists. She said that he had little to no brain activity. She then described the quality of life that Jonathan would have if he were to live. My mom supported my decision to have him removed from the ventilators. Talk about heartbreak. That was definitely the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make.

cause painI requested that he be baptized before I had him unhooked from the machines. On October 8, 2008, my family all gathered with me at the hospital. We all took turns holding Jonathan and taking pictures with him. We prayed. We cried. We laughed. They unhooked him from the machines. The doctor asked me if I wanted to donate his organs, and I said “no.” I have regretted that decision ever since. At the time, I couldn’t see past my pain to allow Jonathan to give the gift of life or donate organs to save someone else. I didn’t want them cutting on my baby.

me and jonathanHis organs had shut down and he was gone and I sat there and held him for 30 minutes. I didn’t want to let him go. My oldest son Mart was with me that day. He was out in the hallway. We heard someone crying and we just assumed it was Mart. It wasn’t Mart. It was the head of the NICU. He said that he had never seen family come together in such a manner. He went on to say that, he knew Jonathan was loved because some of the kids with less serious illnesses didn’t have as many visitors as my son did. We prayed again before we left the hospital and this time the doctor and the nurse prayed with us.

GodAfter all of this, I was devastated. I had the extra weight and the stretch marks to prove that I had been pregnant, but I didn’t have a baby. I left the hospital feeling like I hadn’t even been pregnant. I came home to a fully furnished and decorated nursery without a baby. I crawled in the bed and I cried and I slept and I slept and I cried. I was prepared to bring Jonathan home and be his mother, but I never got the chance. For a very long time, I was mad at God for letting me go through 9 months of pregnancy, preparing for this little person, getting attached to him, loving him, only to take him away from me.

isaiahAs much as it still hurts to this day, I believe that everything happens for a reason. I may never know or understand that reason, but God had a purpose for my pain. It was to draw me closer to him. He emptied me out so that he could fill me up. It was for me to share my story, for me to be a beacon of His light for those that have been through the darkness of the loss of a child. The loss of a child can pull you into a depression, some people don’t bounce back from, but you have to. I’m living proof that you can, day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year. You will always be missing a part of you, but it does get easier. You have to get up and keep getting up. You have to find things to occupy your time, so that sadness and depression don’t consume your thoughts. Mourn! Do whatever it takes to allow you to grieve.

balloonsSince my son was full term, I had a funeral service for him. It was me and about 12 of my family members. We had a small gravesite service. The funeral director bought some balloons to release after the funeral, but they managed to wiggle themselves free before the end of the service.

When my son passed, the hospital gave me a beautiful cloth chest. In it was the outfit that my son passed away in, the stethoscope the nurses used to check his heart beat, the tape measure they used to take his measurements, his baptism certificate, a small gold ring, and a card that contained some strands of his hair.

joy comesYou can’t have a testimony without a test. At the time, I thought that there was no way that I was going to survive what happened. Look at me now, seven years later. I’m here. I’m stronger. I’m wiser. I’m happier and I’m living a pretty good life. That experience taught me the true power of God’s grace. It saved me and it can save you too.

Lessons Learned:

1) Everything happens for a reason, regardless of whether or not we know or will ever know what that reason is.
2) There is a purpose for your pain.
3) God’s grace really is AMAZING.

Love, peace and blessings